If you are interested in joining the practice as a new patient, please first download and complete the new patient registration form.

Link to registration form in PDF and Word formats.

Before being accepted to the practice all potential new patients must first have an initial appointment with one of the doctors. The purpose of this appointment is so that the doctor can become familiar with your past medical history and develop a plan on how best to manage your health going forward. Ideally, this appointment should take place when you are generally well rather than acutely sick. A consultation fee applies for this visit.

Please note that verbal or physical abuse will not be tolerated.

House calls, if necessary, are only possible within the immediate catchment area of the practice in Drumkeeran. We are not able to provide a house call service for patients who are from further afield. If you live outside of the area and think house calls are likely to be necessary, it would be preferable to join a practice closer to your home. If you have a medical card and are unable to find a GP close to your home and have been refused by three practices, you can contact the HSE and they will assign you to a GP in your home area.

Patients should be aware that the out-of-hours service for our practice is Caredoc in Sligo, not NowDoc in Carrick on Shannon. Caredoc can be contacted on 0818365399. Patients of this practice should not attend other centres as they may not be seen.